Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dr appts, chriopractors, and ball games....OH MY!

Welcome to our crazy, busy, life, Miss L! We headed to the pediatrician today for Landry’s weight check and jaundice check. Her weight is still as it was at discharge (7 lb 6 oz), but her jaundice has gone from a 9 to 12.8. They don’t treat jaundice with the phototherapy until it gets to 15, so we are to watch it over the next 2 days and see if it improves. She also needed another blood draw because they were concerned about some coloring in her groin area. It was purple…big concern. But after running the tests, the platelets came back normal and her purple actually went away the next day. Then onto the chiropractor for her newborn adjustment…mommy needed adjusted too!

Then to the mall to get Preston some new tenna shoes for baseball tonight, oh, and some ice cream too! A visit from the Prohaska's and then, last stop…first night of baseball for Preston. Oh what a night!
Wiped out after the busy morning!
Catching some rays to help me get rid of my jaundice.
Allie and Brynn getting to see me for the first time
Clint getting to snuggle me for the first time
Warm ups
Trying to distract the other team!
My first ballgame...definitly not my last!
Ok, maybe I've had enough for one day!

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