Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy 2 week birthday Landry!

Today is Landry's 2 week birthday! We can't even remember what life was like without her in it.  She is an amazing baby and a complete joy! We had her 2 wk well baby check today…here are her stats…
21 in long (20 ½ when she was born) 77%
8 lbs (7# 15 oz when she was born- so back to birth weight) 41%
36 cm head circumference-52%
Typical day: Wake up at 7a to eat, snooze until 8:30a or 9a. Alert until next feeding at 10a. Naps from end of feeding for about 2 hours. Eats, sleeps, poops, repeats! Afternoon nap 2-4p ( I know because I enjoy to nap with her!) Eats, sleeps, poops and calls it a night at about 10:30p. Wakes up every 4-4 ½ hours at night! So unlike what we were used to with Mr Peanut and Miss Ladybug!! What a great surprise… hope it lasts!
Tonight we had our first game for baseball. The last 3 have been practices. It was a super fun game! We played the Dodgers…it ended up being a tie, but we’ll get them next time!
Fielding a grounder...or playing in the dirt...hmmm??
In a race to field the ball!
Getting Preston and Cooper with my girl laser! Not being a distracting little sis at all…PROMISE!
1,000,000,000 kiss of the day from Nessa
Enough said! Wish the mowhawk would have shown up better!

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