Saturday, July 10, 2010

P, N, L

Hmmm, I think Daddy does the snuggle thing pretty well! Below...

Daddy and Preston
Daddy and Nessa
Daddy and Landry
Even Porter likes to take it easy every now and then!
Daddy and me went to the park and brought back some flowers for mommy!
While the girls stayed home and played princesses. So sweet what I captured when I turned the corner...Nessa holding Landry's hand and singing to her..."It's ok Baby Landry, I'm your big sis and I'm right here."
Sweet baby girl!
This was a honest to pete quote from Preston before our dance party started..."Will this outfit work for the dance party???"

Here is one of the funniest videos we have captured to date! Sorry for the shaking, I was cracking up!

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