Friday, September 23, 2011


We are so very proud of the big man you have grown into! You are so sweet, kind, compassionate, caring, thoughtful, spunky, full of energy, smart, talented and absolutely ADORABLE!!! You have created so many wonderful memories for us to cherish.  Words can not express how utterly amazing you are!  We love that you are willing to try anything (even if it does take some encouragement!), you are always thinking of others while still doing the things that make you happy.  Your smile, toothless as it may be, aways lights up a room especially when it's followed by your infectious giggle!! :) Always continue to shine...we love you so much!

 Sitting handsome by his superhero cityscape
 Unwrapping the gift from Lannie and Nessy...the climbing rope for the playground that he has been desperately begging for for months!
 The coveted guitar!
 For the last week, P has told me that he's too old to be calling us Mommy and Daddy...after I was finished sobbing, he decided maybe he wasn't too old after all :)
 Make a wish sweet P!
 We went as a family to eat lunch with you on your big day!
 Lunch bunch
 Not so sure about the mass chaos of the playground!
Some of his buddies...Lannie, Ethan, Jake, P and Kaitlyn
Then after school we were planning on going to the Shuler tailgate, and onto the Homecoming game...but the birthday boy had other plans...Pizza Ranch with our neighbors and cake at our house afterwards!
 Pretending to be a pirate!Yep, that's undies on my head!
 Me and Kaidyn with our princess duds on!
 The first of the 3 superhero cakes I got for my birthday! Mommy made this one!
A little pre-party before the big party day tomorrow!

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