Monday, December 7, 2009

An early Christmas gift...

10 weeks 4 days
Well, some of you know, and now the rest of you know our secret too!!! We are SO excited to be adding a new addition to our family July 1st! Today was our first OB appointment and Tim and I were anxiously waiting in the waiting room as if it was our first pregnancy!! Every time the door opened we whipped around in anticipation for our name to be called! We had our ultrasound first and it was wonderful! We even got to see the little bug move!! Once we saw how active it was and then heard the 167 bpm heartbeat, we are pretty sure we have another Nessa in the works! :) She was just as active and had the same heartbeat! But we'll have to wait 29 1/2 more weeks to find out!!!
We told the kids we were going to get a picture of the baby and, of course the questions started to flow! We explained that the doctor would put some jelly on my tummy and use a special camera wand to take the baby's picture. So, when we came home, the kids said "I want to see the jelly!" Preston and Nessa immediately lifted up my shirt and began pretending to put jelly on my tummy with a play knife and then while Nessa held my shirt up, Preston got his camera and took a picture of my belly!!! It was so much fun reliving the experience through their eyes!!!

When we first told the kids about their new baby (about 5 weeks ago) they were in awe. We were videoing the conversation and they stared at us, speechless! But you could see their wheels just a spinning! Pretty soon Preston said "How did it get in there? How is it getting out?" After composing ourselves, we told him that GOD put it in there and the doctors were taking it out! We were SO not prepared for that one! And Nessa, not to be left out, said "How do you change baby's diapers?" priceless!!! :) Oh, and just to verify...there is ONLY 1 BABY IN MY TUMMY! Preston the allegid prophet, told us there were 2 babies!!
So stay tuned to the blog for more funny quotes from the kids, updates after dr appts, and of course, pictures of my ever growing, ever changing belly!! (btw, Preston comes up to me about twice a week, lifts my shirt, kisses the baby and says "Wow! Your belly sure is getting big!" Funny thing, I haven't gained an ounce and am still wearing my regular clothes! Guess he has been waiting for the right opportunity to lay that one on me!! :)


  1. Congrats to you all on your great news! Sounds like your family is going to have a fun summer with two babies coming! Hope everything goes smoothly!

  2. YAY!!!! Merry, merry, merry Christmas to you guys! How exciting! I am so happy to hear that you guys are bringing another Schnoor into the world - I don't think there can be enough!!! Love you guys! Annie, Malachi & Cash

  3. I'm so glad my kindergarten teacher is having a baby
