Monday, June 22, 2009

Water babies

Out to sea! Watching...learning...conspiring!
Splash cupcakes!
I mean business! Any doubts...just look at my face!
Great teamwork. Connor is going into 1st grade and he, well, as I tell Daddy, "Connor is my best friend!" (Thanks for being so sweet to Preston, Connor! :)
What a catch! Seaweed! Hmmm...what to play with next? Sweet Ladybug! Teaching Daddy how to cast! Look down there, I'm gonna catch that fish!
The bald eagle that we visit every year. If you look closely, you can see some eaglets in the nest. Beautiful!
Papa Pat and the boys! Gabe, Connor, Ray, Preston (don't they look sleepy! :)Marin looking surprise that 4 boys are able to drive while looking so tired!!
Connor and his buddy "Zack" the dragonfly. He rescued him and took care of him. One of my favorite things that Connor said this week "1,2,3, let it be" We loved to look at nature, but be careful with it and let it be! The grandparents headed off on a boat ride...hmmm, are you escaping for some peace and quiet?? :)

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